Social Sharing

experience next level fundraising

Social Sharing Increases Conversions

Social sharing is why peer-to-peer fundraising is more effective than traditional pay-per-click marketing.
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Social Sharing

Social Sharing is Why You'll Drive More Traffic

Peer-to-peer fundraising is so effective because the fundraising organization is selling for you. Easier to generate a sales online when you get a referral.

More Conversions

You'll double your conversions over the traditional pay=per-click marketing campaigns. You'll have powerful referrals to your store there to help raise money for a worthy cause.

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Custom Branded Store

We customize our beautifully designed templates to represent your brand as well as the fundraising organization.


You'll receive a free listing on our marketplace once you've enrolled onto our platform. Check out our marketplace.

Marketplace Feature

Create a listing on our marketplace and start booking campaigns right away.

Watch Our Demo Video

Watch the demo video and see how your company can have success on our platform – vendors just like you who are looking for new ways to market and grow their sales.