Reach New Markets

3 Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Markets That You're Missing Out On

Our fundraising platform makes it easy for you to reach a completely new and untapped market. Boost your digital presence while you make a positive impact in your community.


Peer-to-peer marketing vs. traditional pay-per-click marketing

***Above results are based on an average of thousands of campaigns in various geographic locations. Results may vary.***

Quick Overview

We bridge the gap between you and your new peer-to-peer fundraising market.

Peer-to-peer marketing

An Untapped Market

Your company becomes the wholesaler.

Raise money through the sales of your products. Essentially you become a wholesaler and you share the profits with the fundraising group. You get to decide how much commission you want to give on each product sold. 

The other benefit to being a wholesaler is that they bulk ship their products when they get an order from a retailer. In the case of fundraising, you're going to bulk ship your products to a location that is suitable for the fundraising organization. In some cases it's also okay for them to pick up at your place of business.

Create a Win-Win

Your fundraising group sells your products at retail price.

The team, school or non-profit organization earns the commissions on each product sold through your custom store that we build for you. In return for sharing your profits, you'll grow your brand in your community faster than wildfire!

We'll Coach Your Team

We include consultation as part of our onboard training to make sure you understand how to execute fundraising in your community.

Book a demo and we'll guide you through our platform and let you know what opportunities exist in your market.

Consult With Us Today!

social media for online fundraising

Watch Our Demo Video

Watch the demo video and see how your company can have success on our platform – vendors just like you who are looking for new ways to market and grow their sales.